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10/14/98 news on the new nineinchnails.net
still searching for web sites to be part of nineinchnails.net. if you haven't received a response from your submission - don't worry! i am still trying to work out who will do what exactly, at that point i will notify you. i am still looking for people to do the following:
  • tabs
  • album reviews and polls (both from magazines and fans)
  • bootleg reviews and polls (both from magazines and fans)
  • buying guide for albums, bootlegs, and videos
send your info to submit@nineinchnails.net
10/7/98 shameless promotion
that's right, it's that time of year again. check out a couple web sites that i helped coach the development of:
  • generation gap - this is a web site comparing the generations of the present and past. it is very interactive and has pretty interesting stuff that i never knew about my generation
  • seven wonders of the world - you probably don't even know what they are. this site is more than just the popular ones though

9/16/98 the new nineinchnails.net
nineinchnails.net will be undergoing a major re-organization and overhaul over the next few weeks. the change will integrate multiple web sites, each with a specific purpose, into the most informative nine inch nails resource center anywhere. you will still be able to visit nineinchnails.net and get the same great content that you have been for over two years now.

a call to all webmasters
if you would like to be part of nineinchnails.net, please see our prepared information sheet about what you can do to become one of the nineinchnails.net web teams.

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