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web team information sheet
press release to be available soon

nineinchnails.net is going to be splitting up into different sections for each area of nine inch nails information. each section will be a separate web site focusing on providing a certain type of information. for example - right now seems like salvation is providing all of the news reporting for nineinchnails.net. this is what i would like to do with all areas of the web site. right now i am thinking of having the following areas:

each area will be a seperate site managed by different people. when a user first comes to nineinchnails.net, he will be presented with a display of the different areas to visit. this will help give the web site variety, but also keep it unified and working together. if you would like to make your web site part of nineinchnails.net, please read on...

what your site should be
i will be accepting submissions for a couple weeks. no final date is set yet. in order to be a part of nineinchnails.net, you must already have a web site that can be moved to the nineinchnails.net server. in order to be considered, your site should:

what you get
if your web site becomes part of nineinchnails.net, you will get the following:

if your site becomes part of nineinchnails.net you must agree to the following terms:

if you have a problem with any of the terms you may make a note of them with your submission. i may add a few more minor requirements to better unify the web sites.

i would like to make nineinchnails.net the most comprehensive source of nine inch nails information. with multiple web sites working together towards a common goal - much more can be acheived in the long run. my hopes are that the sites will integrate with each other and promote one another. any sites that are choosen to be part of nineinchnails.net will become very popular if they are not already. please keep that in mind. if you have ideas about the new design or would like to submit your site to be part of nineinchnails.net, please send email to submit@nineinchnails.net. all submissions should include: