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wish guitar tablature
printable version

Into and 1st verse
(play 4 times. 4th time, don't hold that last chord at all, then replay last
  two bars.)
|14-16-14-12--12--14--|14--------------|7-77--77---7-8-7---|   continued...
|---------------------|----------------|5-55--55---5-6-5---|  OOPS! Hit fret
|---------------------|----------------|-------------------|    5 on D after
                                                               that 8th chord

|-7  -7--77---78--7\|
|-5  -5--55---56--5\|

(you'll be playing this 3 times.  After 2nd, play fig I.  After 3rd, play fig

   (half-time feel)

   (original feel)

just play the last 2 bars of the 1st verse part

(back to half-time feel)

 (original feel)

 just play those last two bars of first verse

|-------------10---|-------------|   and those two bars from you know where..
(play the above 4 times.  3rd time, just play 8th fret(don't slide from 13).
 also, on the fourth time, repeat the two bars before going into chorus.)

Fig. I
(play 4 times; lots of "untranscribable" stuff, what is transcribable are the whole-note power chords)

  then play those two bars four times

Fig. II

   replay chorus part.  Then repeat those infamous two bars.  

then play


OK! Now we're getting near the end.  For this next part, one guitar plays a 
 rhythm which is just that above chord.
The other guitars are doing:

(play this whole thing twice, i think....)
|---7---7---8---x-7-----|  played three times followed by that rhythm bar.

and then (played twice, i think...)
|--x-x-3--1--3--4--x-x-------|  repeated three times

transcribed by russ