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click me Launch FAQ About DVD Audio Versions
Updated 01.11.2002 1:30 PM EDT

The official Nine Inch Nails website launched a well thought out FAQ between the DVD audio differences of Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS. But contrary to what I said earlier, there is a slight difference between the two DVD versions, other than the audio, after all!

Is there any difference between the two packages other than the surround formats?

Actually, yes there is a small one. On the Dolby digital 5.1 version, you can switch camera angles in real time during the 'video sequence' of the performance. On the DTS version, you can watch the alternate angles but you can't switch to them in real time. Why? Well to make a long story short... The amount of information being read off the DVD for DTS is greater than the amount being read for Dolby Digital 5.1, and we would have had to significantly sacrifice the quality of the video for those 'multiple-angle' songs to be able to switch them in real time... So we made the choice for higher quality.

Also, click the links for DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1 information about the Playstation 2 and Xbox.

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